I’ve divided up all 472 photographs of miniature polymer clay masks into rough categories to make it easier to organize them onto the pages of the upcoming book. I applied them as keywords to the photos in Adobe Bridge, and now I can quickly sort them. That way I can see how they fit together in groups; some masks can fit into several groups, so I need to find where they fit BEST! I looked at each photo and decided very quickly which key word fit it best. If it wasn’t immediately obvious then I decided if it fit best into “alien” or “human”, and that’s where it went.
Here’s what I used:
- alien
- animal
- black and white
- butterfly
- cat
- colorful
- cultural
- domino
- human
- mineral
- rainbow
- red
- sun/moon
- techno
- vegetable/plant
- water
The mystery here isn’t where this one fits–that is obviously techno–but rather, who made it? It may be signed on the back, but it’s now mounted and framed, and I don’t want to take it off. I think it is from the 1998 swap, but I don’t have my files from that year for cross checking. Does anyone out there know who made this one? send me a comment please if you do!