No matter how you dress it up, wearing all the hats in a small business can leave you with no time at all for reading novels and eating bon-bons. So I made Bon Bon Bertie, a 1/6 scale doll (like fashion dolls who are 11 1/2″ high–you know who I mean) to do it for me while I get other work done. (photograph by Bob Grieser)
At PolyMarket Press there is plenty to do under all the chapeaus–photos to edit and layouts to finish for the upcoming books, and this website to build for publicizing and market current and future projects. If I do a bit every day, a lot will get done. I wont say “all” because as every creative person knows, there is always more to do! Today’s endeavor is the page on this site featuring the instructional how-to for making a miniature dresser set like the one featured in the image here.
And now it is time for a little lunch and a quick switch of hats–and programs–to edit the rest of the photos for the next book!