
a photo-novella
by Ricardo Acevedo

A decade of images cataloging the Night in all its adult twists & turns, realities & hallucinations…from Noir to Neon. The turbulent, furious, nights of the “zeros” (2000-2009) were a gilded age in some ways not so different from the previous century’s early days in its excesses and mix of hope and desperation.

The players change, the styles change, though the story is a timeless one; and Ricardo Acevedo has bared it here. His 100 page photo-novella’s prose and photo-paintings vividly capture and share an intimate tale. If you were there, this might bring back memories—and if you were not, then you are in for a wild ride through this crack into the cosmic collective.

It is dark and bright in all the right ways; Ricardo has his way with color and texture in these images. Even the black and white section has a huge variety of those gray areas…

Night-Immerion-01-webThe three sections begin with a black and white “blind date” with Ricardo’s camera recording all, and proceed into parts of NIGHT that are the gaudy gems showcased best against black velvet.

A dark, edgy, photo-novella that records a tantalizing time with a biting mix of clarity and distortion, Ricardo’s second book with PolyMarket Press isn’t simple, and it isn’t nice. Some things just aren’t.

Available now through or get a specially signed copy directly from the author himself!
